SS17. History of my first collection. Part I
Mar 31, 2017
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The collection, which I am starting to sell in the next summer, was designed and created for few years. It was started in St Petersburg 3 years ago. These models were planned to come into sight already in my previous project, I have told about it before. But things emerged in other way - I moved to Germany, and we divided all the assets and liabilities of our Brick-Box with Olya. In the issue, all what was prepared for this collection, passed to me, and I continued working on it in Germany, but it was a part of So Sense already. Now I want to tell you, how this collecton was hatched.
Here ist he moodboard. I was inpired mostly by color combinations and general ambience.
(1, Lourdes Sanchez, 3, 4)
(1, 2, Marise Maas, 4)
(1, 2, 3, 4)
Then I started with the search of fabrics - it was very interesting stage. Everything was very absolutely new for me, I visited so many stores, and collected so much samples.
I even draw my own palletes.
At the end of the day I found subisidiary of italian store in St Peterburg. By the way; I am still working with them, but now go directly to Milan, when I need to purchase new fabrics. Then we made our first order, and it was so an astonishing experinece, to choose the fabrics, appropriate for our ideas, amid hundreds or even thousands of samples.
And here are the fabrics. Now almost nothing remains of these piles.
As you maybe mentioned, main inspiration for me was combination of pink and mustard. And of course it found it’s incarnation in the clothes.
In the following posts I will tell about working at layouts, first fittings and sewing process itself.